Choosing the right delivery service

Revolutionized delivery management for you! With Courier Marketplace in your RePOS system, you can compare prices and delivery times among the available delivery drivers.

Choose a driver and send your order with ease. The Marketplace gives you full control over the profit and pace of deliveries.

Ask about the Courier Marketplace

Available Couriers

Currently, we offer Couriers Marketplace only in Poland where we partnered with Wolt Drive. We are working on opening the service on more markets and with more providers.

Get Courier Marketplace in your restaurant

Don’t hesitate to contact us. Whether you use Restaumatic RePOS or not, just fill the form below. Our advisor will contact you within 48 hours to present Courier Marketplace and answer all your questions.

Contact form

We are here to help you

At no cost:

  • we will prepare a personalized offer for you
  • in a few minutes, we'll guide you through the system and illustrate how it can increase your profits.

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