Integracja z portalami zapewnia kontrolę nad zamówieniami, co ułatwia ich obsługę i organizację.

Easy order management in one place

With integration with online platforms, you have full control over your orders, making their handling and organization easier. Additionally, save time on menu updates, which you can now do with just one click.

    W systemie od Restaumatic masz możliwość gromadzenia zamówień z Pyszne, Uber Eats, Glovo, Wolt i własnej www.

    Integration with online platforms

    No need for separate devices for order taking. With Restaumatic, you can collect orders from Pyszne, UberEats, Glovo, Wolt, and your own website in one place

    • Manage all sales channels from a single device
    • Avoid mistakes in order handling
    • Save time on menu updates on each platform

    How does the process of handling orders from online platforms work?

    Contact form

    We are here to help you
    At no cost:

    • we will prepare a personalized offer for you
    • in a few minutes, we'll guide you through the system and illustrate how it can increase your profits.

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